Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6th....

Well it's been 1 week today that I went in for surgery. I'm well and getting along great, but wanted to share what I've been thinking about today. As I'm getting ready for my 1 week appointment, I think back to when it all began. Now I know it was only a month ago, but to me...it feels like forever ago. I specifically ran over and over in my mind the day of my ultrasound. Tracy and I got together in the morning laughing and hanging out having a good time until my appointment. We picked mom up, listened to the "cabbage/lettuce" whatever it was cure and laughed the whole way there. Laughed (cuz thats what we do) in the exam room until the doc came in and started the procedure. At 1 point I said, "geez doc...your taking a lot of pictures"...no smirk on his face although he is a WONDERFUL man and smiled when he came in. Somehow at that point....I finally became scared. They say that rough roads in life make you stronger and lord knows...I've had my share and have always came out stronger and more determined. I pray that this is also 1 of those times. Nothing negative...only my thoughts for the day...
I will post again when I get back from my appointment. :)

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