Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th...

Well hello there! :)
Been a few days due to the fact that getting down to my computer was next to impossible. Wednesday night I went to bed with alittle discomfort, but thought nothing of it because hey...I had surgery. During the night and on into Thursday the pain became worse to the point of unbearable. I can take ALOT of pain, but this knocked me down and brought tears to my eyes. Doctor had me come in that afternoon and said I had an infection underneath the incision and a lot of inflammation. They put me on antibiotics, uped my Vicodin to 2 pills per dose every 4 hours and also 4 Ibuprofren each time with the Vicodin. Needless to say I've been in la la land and resting the past couple days. Today I feel "alil" better which is GREAT. Alittle better is better than alittle worse. :)
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend and enjoy the nice weather!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for the infection and being uncomfortable. I can understand that. Well, kinda, but in my knee. I'm taking 2 vicodin every 3 hours when needed. Mostly in the night.

    Hollar at me though. I'm here to chat and bitch about pain with! lol
