Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22nd...

Well doc appt went great! Feel like that part is coming to an end and it's a bit sad. I REALLY like Dr. Duven and Kathy and will miss them terribly. Doc had to aspirate fluid out because it had created pockets under my skin and would not drain out of the tube. He said it may fill back up and he'll need to drain them again. Yeah last night....POOF! Or should I say...poofy? Almost looked like I had my boob back. The hole where the tube was did not close yet (the first 1 did immediately) so the fluid is draining out at a slow drip. Still gauzing it up, but so happy I'm not toting that tube and bottle around. :)
My dear friend Lisa and I had lunch and bummed around today. Had such a great time with her and cannot wait to hangout with everyone at her and Bud's wedding Saturday!
Oncologist appt is Aprl 30th and we will discuss chemo. I'm guessing it will start in a couple of weeks. 1st week in May they will put the port in my chest that I will have throughout chemo...this is where they will inject it.
Next....the hair cutting party. I'm getting a few friends together and we're going to make a party out of getting my hair cut and donating it to Locks of Love. Kandy (hairdresser) is coming to the house and doing it there. Very sad deal for me, BUT someone will gain a nice wig and that makes me happy knowing that I myself will have a wig or 2 shortly.
Have an awesome night and look forward to FRIDAY!!:)

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