Friday, April 30, 2010

Oncologist appointment.... do I express how I feel? I will TRY to keep this somewhat positive because thats what I do, but I may struggle here and there. If you've been close to someone and been a part of their appointments you will understand. For you that haven't...I will try to explain the emotions. I was told that this would be the second worst appointment from the initial diagnosis and she was right. (Love ya Sue for all of your support and knowledge and "f*ck it we WILL get through this" knowledge!) Thank you for everyones support for that matter! know pretty much what your up against is one thing, but to hear it as facts is completely different. Can't explain it and mom asked what was different for me that I didn't know going in...I can't explain. To hear the details of your situation and have it fine tooth combed is total reality. Waves of emotions that I have NEVER felt before...not even close. To hear a possible "timeline" of your life and percentages due to studies, freaks ya out when it's coming from a doctor. Anyhoo....Tuesday I have an ECHO test on my heart. Wednesday I go to the surgical center to have the port put in, then patient education that afternoon on upcoming treatments. Wednesday night I will have my hair cut for Locks of Love and Friday I have lab and then my first chemo session. They prescribed anti nausia meds, but told me to try not to take them because they will raise my blood sugar levels. Not sure what may be worse...being sick alot or hearing that taking the pills pretty much knocks you completely out of commission. I don't want to come across as "Debbie Downer"...just need this night to be a whirlwind of emotions and wake up tomorrow kicking a**!!! Have a GREAT weekend and I will post again soon!! As my dad said "just don't lose that beautiful smile" and you know what...I won't! :) Mom...thanks for being my rock and keep my smile going and make me feel amazing everyday!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22nd...

Well doc appt went great! Feel like that part is coming to an end and it's a bit sad. I REALLY like Dr. Duven and Kathy and will miss them terribly. Doc had to aspirate fluid out because it had created pockets under my skin and would not drain out of the tube. He said it may fill back up and he'll need to drain them again. Yeah last night....POOF! Or should I say...poofy? Almost looked like I had my boob back. The hole where the tube was did not close yet (the first 1 did immediately) so the fluid is draining out at a slow drip. Still gauzing it up, but so happy I'm not toting that tube and bottle around. :)
My dear friend Lisa and I had lunch and bummed around today. Had such a great time with her and cannot wait to hangout with everyone at her and Bud's wedding Saturday!
Oncologist appt is Aprl 30th and we will discuss chemo. I'm guessing it will start in a couple of weeks. 1st week in May they will put the port in my chest that I will have throughout chemo...this is where they will inject it.
Next....the hair cutting party. I'm getting a few friends together and we're going to make a party out of getting my hair cut and donating it to Locks of Love. Kandy (hairdresser) is coming to the house and doing it there. Very sad deal for me, BUT someone will gain a nice wig and that makes me happy knowing that I myself will have a wig or 2 shortly.
Have an awesome night and look forward to FRIDAY!!:)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday picnic! :)

Happy Tuesday!
Danny had yesterday off and decided to take me on a picnic. We had a great time and the weather was just right...alittle chilly so that you had to cuddle. (smile)
Tomorrow is my next appointment and I CANNOT wait for it to get here. I've had the last drain in for 3 weeks and it is screaming to be taken out. Not that it is a big deal because I've kind of gotten used to it, but it is starting to drain out around the tube on my side so that part is a bit of nuisance. Reality is really creeping up on me in the fact that in a couple of weeks chemo starts. I'm okay with the fact that I know that day is coming, but also okay with the fact that I've been alittle oblivious to it. Insert famous saying..."is what it is!" :)
Enjoy this gorgeous day!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday April 15th...

Hi! :)
Had my 2 week doctor appointment yesterday and seriously....I love going there and seeing Dr. Duven and Kathy. Not the kinda thing you wanna go to the doctor for, but they make it sssoooooo much easier. He said that I'm doing great and that the infection was clearing up nicely. The drainage is still alittle "cloudy" so he wrote out another prescription of antibiotics. Took the rest of the staples out...yay!!!
Gave me a sucker and pushed me out the door. Kidding! Next appointment...Wednesday. :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy Tuesday! :)

Well hello there sunshine! Think I may go outside and enjoy the weather. My dad just called and is coming over to rake the yard and lay grass seed and fertilizer so I'm gonna pitch in and pull a weed...or 2. LOL
Doctors appt tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. Remember when doctors were so scarey when we were little? Still should be for me, but I can't wait to go. They are 2 awesome people! Took a few days to convince the infection to go away, but it's feeling and looking ALOT better.
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL day and smile at least once, twice, three times a lady. Gotta love Lionel Richie!!!!! :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th...

Well hello there! :)
Been a few days due to the fact that getting down to my computer was next to impossible. Wednesday night I went to bed with alittle discomfort, but thought nothing of it because hey...I had surgery. During the night and on into Thursday the pain became worse to the point of unbearable. I can take ALOT of pain, but this knocked me down and brought tears to my eyes. Doctor had me come in that afternoon and said I had an infection underneath the incision and a lot of inflammation. They put me on antibiotics, uped my Vicodin to 2 pills per dose every 4 hours and also 4 Ibuprofren each time with the Vicodin. Needless to say I've been in la la land and resting the past couple days. Today I feel "alil" better which is GREAT. Alittle better is better than alittle worse. :)
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend and enjoy the nice weather!!! :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Went great! They took every other staple out and I got to lose 1 of the drainage tubes/bottles! Yay!! They said to keep doing whatever I'm doing because it's looking good. I go back in another week. :)

April 6th....

Well it's been 1 week today that I went in for surgery. I'm well and getting along great, but wanted to share what I've been thinking about today. As I'm getting ready for my 1 week appointment, I think back to when it all began. Now I know it was only a month ago, but to feels like forever ago. I specifically ran over and over in my mind the day of my ultrasound. Tracy and I got together in the morning laughing and hanging out having a good time until my appointment. We picked mom up, listened to the "cabbage/lettuce" whatever it was cure and laughed the whole way there. Laughed (cuz thats what we do) in the exam room until the doc came in and started the procedure. At 1 point I said, "geez doc...your taking a lot of pictures" smirk on his face although he is a WONDERFUL man and smiled when he came in. Somehow at that point....I finally became scared. They say that rough roads in life make you stronger and lord knows...I've had my share and have always came out stronger and more determined. I pray that this is also 1 of those times. Nothing negative...only my thoughts for the day...
I will post again when I get back from my appointment. :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010


All time favorite song......
Hello all! My computer took a dive a few days ago and I just got it back up and running and dang is it zooming! Thank-you D2 (Dad 2-Kevin) for your smarts and time in fixing it! Trying to catch back up on the emails, but plenty of time for that. My wonderful, beautiful, loving mom posted for me yesterday and I appreciate her update. Couldn't have said it better myself. Ha! Things are going good and my spirits have been up since I came home from surgery. I look at it this way....I can't change what happened nor can I go back, so all I can do is take this journey and take it like a trooper. :) I have gotten SO many flowers and cards and thank each and every one of you for being so caring and thoughtful. Also..the meals have been amazing and the visits have been much appreciated.
Today....well, I have no scheduled plans or visits lined up until tonight so WOW....I may just actually veg for once like I'm supposed to. RIGHT I know, but you never know!
Have a GREAT weekend and I'll pop in again real soon. :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1, 2010

Another good day. Danny decided to take me for a ride to Iowa City for dinner. I decided to stop and buy my wonderful mother some flowers and take to her office in Cedar Rapids. She was totally blown away when I walked in her office. Met her co-workers and they could not believe I just had surgery and looked so damn good. Had a wonderful day but was a little tired by the time I got home. Dr. Duven's office called when I got home and informed me they received lab tests back from the nodes they removed during surgery. There was 13 nodes removed from under my left arm and only 4 were cancerous. They first told me probably 9 would be cancerous so I was so excited.They peeled the cancer off my chest wall but don't feel it penetrated the wall. The cancer lump in my breast was about an inch in length, 3.5 phase. They remind me that the surgery is the easy part of this journey, chemo will be the hard part. I will always keep my eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel. Have a great Good Friday.