Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday May 21st...

Happy Friday! It's been awhile!
This week was a fun one with having friends over in the evenings. Monday Vonna and Kate visited and we had a "much needed" girls night and decided we needed to make it a bi-weekly ordeal. Tuesday night my girls that I've known since we were teens and Momma came over for another girls night. What a bunch of nuts...we had SO much fun! Crazy girls...I love ya!
Yesterday Danny and I ran around doing errands...picked up Pookies ashes and when the guy called he said "may I speak to Lori Gerst?" I said "this is" and he says "this is Dave from the Humane Society letting you know that the cremation of your brown tiger cat is complete and ready to be picked up." I thanked him, hung up and said to Danny "wonder who's cat I'm picking up because Pookie was Gray." LOL
Went to Visions salon and set up an appointment for next week to have my head sized for a free wig. Heather Taylor mentioned it to Kate that they give away free wigs so I will take advatage of 1. Thanks ladies for the heads up!!! :)
That will allow me to have 2 wigs for alittle variety. Which leads me to my next topic. As of Wednesday night my hair has slowly been falling out. Shed a few crocodile tears for about 2 minutes, but then straighted up. First time I've cried over anything since the 1st Oncologist appointment. You kind of don't think it's happening when it does...just think its normal because we all lose alittle when we brush it out. Well...this isn't normal and have to accept the fact that's falling out. Of course you always hope you'll be 1 of the lucky ones that don't lose it, but have to be prepared that you will. I've been prepared, but when it happens, you don't want to think it is. of the "perks" of this journey and one I will also get through!
Hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend and enjoy the awesome weather that is to come!!!


  1. I know your Mom sure enJOYed "the girl's night out" - what a wonderful idea to continue on a bi-weekly - what twice a week? Woa!

    That is great about the 2 wigs, I am sure you will look great in them - are you going to go for wild colors? Or at least a blonde one? Just wondering.

    You too have a FABULOUS weekend! I am not sure about this 80 something weather especially since I am at that age of "Hot Flashes"...ha ha.

  2. Happy Friday to you too Luv!
