Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hello All~
Wanted to let you all know that you need to mark on your calendars Tuesday, June 8th, 6-8 pm to be at Beck's on University Ave., downstairs. We are getting down to the wire and need to get the planning finalized for the July 31st benefit! We will have the large 11x17 posters for you to post in businesses and around town. We also need a list of items that you have collected for donations for the silent auction! If you have large items, (please bring a picture of item.) You can also drop any items off at Karen's Print Rite, 2515 Falls Ave., W'loo between 8:30am - 5pm Mon. thru Fri. If you need something picked up, let us know. If you need more forms to make business contacts let me know and I will see that you get them. I will have extra shirts and other luu luu merchandise at the meeting also. Please keep the donations coming and hit as many businesses as you can! See you there! Thanks in advance for all of your hard work! You can contact me - Sue Randall cell# 319-269-4619 or email or Ryan Richmond cell# 319-290-3388 or email
Thank you all in advance for all of your support!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 25th...

Happy Tuesday! Yes...I can say that NOW, but if you asked me last night if I'd be saying that I wouldn't have been so cheerful.
I told my mom that I would not sugar coat this entry. I know it's been awhile and I got through treatment without vomitting once which I am sssooooo thankful for!!! :)
It was a bit more rough 2nd time around and I have to say that I am still feeling wooped/tired/sluggish, but HEY....I did NOT vommit! Yay!!! :) for last night. I went through the worst part of this journey that I myself (not speaking for other cancer SURVIVORS) have experienced thus far. Mom and Kevin stopped over to visit and when they left, I took a shower. Up to this point my hair has been slowly falling out, but last night was the last of holding onto something I could not hold onto anymore. You think "'s just hair." Your right if you haven't gone through it and I am by no means knocking anyone for saying it to make others feel better, but it is not just is alot of who you are. I stood there in the shower and just bawled as it fell to the drain. I called mom and Kevin and asked them to bring their clippers over. Mom put a chair in the kitchen and did you know that Kevin was an fantastic beautician? Anyway...Kevin buzzed it and mom rubbed my back while I held a towel to my face and just bawled. Vain or cannot even imagine unless you've gone through it. Luckily I have a nice round head and as they said "you look like GI Jane!!" Woo hoo...I always wanted to look like a badass!!!! I'm now sporting baseball caps until I "want" to work with my wig. Just not ready for it yet for some reason and I can't explain why.
Today I am good. A bit sad deep down, but I feel like a weight has been lifted. A weight that I knew was going to happen, but was in denial. So I now push forward AS ALWAYS, dry my tears and enjoy the....can't say sun today, but enjoy Tuesday!!!! Hope all of you do as well!! :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday May 21st...

Happy Friday! It's been awhile!
This week was a fun one with having friends over in the evenings. Monday Vonna and Kate visited and we had a "much needed" girls night and decided we needed to make it a bi-weekly ordeal. Tuesday night my girls that I've known since we were teens and Momma came over for another girls night. What a bunch of nuts...we had SO much fun! Crazy girls...I love ya!
Yesterday Danny and I ran around doing errands...picked up Pookies ashes and when the guy called he said "may I speak to Lori Gerst?" I said "this is" and he says "this is Dave from the Humane Society letting you know that the cremation of your brown tiger cat is complete and ready to be picked up." I thanked him, hung up and said to Danny "wonder who's cat I'm picking up because Pookie was Gray." LOL
Went to Visions salon and set up an appointment for next week to have my head sized for a free wig. Heather Taylor mentioned it to Kate that they give away free wigs so I will take advatage of 1. Thanks ladies for the heads up!!! :)
That will allow me to have 2 wigs for alittle variety. Which leads me to my next topic. As of Wednesday night my hair has slowly been falling out. Shed a few crocodile tears for about 2 minutes, but then straighted up. First time I've cried over anything since the 1st Oncologist appointment. You kind of don't think it's happening when it does...just think its normal because we all lose alittle when we brush it out. Well...this isn't normal and have to accept the fact that's falling out. Of course you always hope you'll be 1 of the lucky ones that don't lose it, but have to be prepared that you will. I've been prepared, but when it happens, you don't want to think it is. of the "perks" of this journey and one I will also get through!
Hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend and enjoy the awesome weather that is to come!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wet Wednesday 05/12

Okay it may be a wet miserable week, but I won't let it bring me down. Had the last 2days to mourn my favorite man...the one as D2 (stepdad Kevin) would say "was the longest man in my life other than male family members". HaHaHa...cracks me up and so true! He's in a much better place and I know I did the right thing.
Now....I think I have officially gone crazy! No comments please, BUT I was up at 4:00 this morning...actually alittle before (sick huh?) and had the dishes done, carpet vacuumed, touched up paint areas in the house that no one else would see and had the yard mowed and sidewalks swept by 8:30 am. Now I'm not saying that I have neighbors that like me anymore, but my yard looks nice. :)
Will admit that I'm alittle pooped and looking forward to lazy time for the afternoon.
Have a great hump day and I'll chat soon!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010


Just put Pookie down...hardest thing I have ever done.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Oh and....

I had 11 inches taken off my hair Thursday night for Locks of Love. Party didn't happen Wednesday night because of the surgery (bummer), but Denise worked it out for me to go in Thursday night after Candi closed!!!! So happy we got it done!!!! :)

Mother's Day...

Happy Mothers Day to my unbelievable mother! All the strength, courage and determination I've learned from her. Love you Momma. :)
Happy Mothers day to ALL of you mothers!!!!!!! Hope today is a wonderful day for you!
As for me....I'm struggling hard. Chemo went great and I have not gotten sick once. Been urpy a couple times and the tired stick hit me hard last night, but other than terrible side effects yet from the chemo.
Weekend has been extremely sad outside of that though. Friday morning when I woke up my cat had taken a turn. My usual grumpy "feed me" old man was in his own little world. Went to chemo, came home and he was the same. So now it's Mothers Day and his "possibly just don't feel well" mood is lethargic and non responsive other than shallow breathing. You can appreciate if you have loved a pet that has been through every ups and downs in life with you being your "best bud" for 19 this must feel. Devastating to say the least. I feel bad saying this but the saying "god only hands you as much as you can take" statement is one I would like to throw out the damn window right now. Tomorrow I will do the next hardest thing that has been handed to me and put him down.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Friday...

May I start my first chemo treatment. Not nervous or scared at all. May be because this last week has been a tough 1 and I'm just ready to get the show on the road. Tuesday I went to my gynocologist to have a non-hormone IUD put in. 10 minute procedure that lasted over 2 hours and 2 doctors later trying to manipulate my cervix open enough to allow the amount of room that is needed for the device. No go. They needed 6cm and I only had 5cm to work with. In the process of figuring out another option.
Wednesday was my surgery to have the port put in. 45 minute procedure ended up being 3 hours before my parents and Danny received any contact on what was going on. Could not get the port to cooperate and did a few extra cuts. He also knicked my lung sack so breathing was difficult for awhile after. Woke up twice during the operation...once during 1 of the cuts....WEIRD. Strangest feeling ever.
All in's Friday and we all made it here! :) Now if the weather would straighten up it'd be even better. Have a FANTASTIC day!!!!!!!!!!!! :)