Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thursday March 25th

Okay first I'd like to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all the wishes\prayers\thoughts\cards\gifts\flowers and such nice comments for me during this journey. I would love to thank each and every one of you and this is how I'm doing it at this time. THANK YOU!!!! SO........I JUST got home from meeting with the Oncologist in reference to the results of the PET scan I had yesterday. This was to see if the cancer had invaded any other parts of my body. It by far has been the BEST day of my life so far in regards to this because they found no other findings outside of my breast. I am ESTATIC!!! When people say "I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders" they aren't a shitten! I know it's still going to be a long process, but that is 1 less MAJOR thing we don't have to worry about. THANK GOD!!! Love you all and cherish each and EVERY one of you!!! :)


  1. I screamed in joy when I got our text! This is definitely reason to celebrate! xoxo
