Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30th at 9:33...

I am so wired...benefit tomorrow! Have I said it's like Christmas in July for me lately?! I am so BLESSED, loved and supported by SO many people that I just can't thank-you enough! I could babble, blabble, blabble, but I have to simmer down and relax so that I can sleep well and be my spunky self tomorrow!!! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22nd....

So much! So much! So much!
I'll start by updating me and then end it with a BANG! LOL
Chemo has been going well...treatment day tomorrow. You know...people always say "TGIF" and although I'm not a fan of treatment....TGIF!!! It's 1 treatment closer to being done and that is enough to celebrate!
I recently noticed that I have hair growing above my top lip! Now as I posted on FB "I know how annoying it is for the most part, but when you have lost all hair due to's like Christmas in July!!!!
Tonight we finished up the "Cookies for Chemo" which the kids will be selling at the benefit. Nathan Randall and Katie Wolf wanted to do something to help raise money for my expenses and decided selling cookies would be it. Bless their hearts...they are AMAZING kids and above their ages! Several other young volunteers helped last Thursday and Shelly and Christine baked all night Monday are angels to me and I thank-you from the bottom of my sugar filled heart! (Gotta love when the broken cookies are a free for all!)
We will finish up donation baskets next week, final benefit meeting Tuesday night at Becks, breast cance ribbon pedicures wednesday night, get into Isaac Walton Friday and BENEFIT SATURDAY!! I am SO excited!!! :)
Have a great Friday (TGIF) and a wonderful weekend!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10th....

Been awhile!
I started a new chemo "Taxol" 2 treatments ago (yesterday was my 2nd) and it is going very well. The only side effects are either I'm extremely tired or have insomnia. Now I don't know if I can blame it on Taxol or just me. Ha! Luckily I have not been sick or felt nauseous at all. SO happy for that. :)
As with so many people during the downpour on basement took on a lot of water. Was halfway up my knee's and very dirty. Loaded the garage with most of the totes, pumped out the basement, squeegeed the mud and then power washed the entire basement. In looking at the bright side of the situation, I have a VERY clean basement now and got rid of a lot of things I needed to get rid of anyway. Some things turn out for the best after all.
Today mom, Sue and I went through all of the benefit items thus far and made up the baskets and packages. That was SO much fun! Overwhelming to see how much effort people have put towards this benefit and I want to express how blessed I feel! You all are amazing!!!