Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15th...

Apparently my fingers have been broke or I've had little to say. RIGHT! Boy...I neglected this for awhile and need to catch up!
Chemo was cut 4 treatments short due to Taxol causing Neuropathy in my hands. Doctor said that the percentage of 4 more treatments doing any more good were outweighed by the potential damage it would cause further in my hands. In fact "permament" (if not already) would be an issue. I was of course estatic that I was done and moving on to radiation!
Radiation was a breeze for the most part. The Cat scan done prior to the initial radiation treatment showed the area by my collarbone that was a concern from the PET scan in the very beginning of my journey before chemo even started. The radiation doctor could not tell if it was "hot" or "cold", but decided to hit that area hard for the 35 treatments. Got some radiation burns, but was tolerable. I LOVED going in everyday and seeing the radiation techs...they are a wonderful group of women!!! Was very sad when the treatments were over. Happy of course to, but sad that I would not see them everyday...they became family to me.
My hair is growing in wonderfully and I'm having fun with the short style. Who'd have known beings I have had long hair most of my life. Funny how things don't matter as much as you thought they would in the beginning. Just like being without a boob....eeehhh, who cares! I finally went in and got fitted for the bra's with special pockets in them to hold the prosthetic breast....awesome! I feel almost normal now! The funny thing is that the 1 I had been wearing with my normal bra's that was given to me as a joke was 2 sizes smaller than what I was fitted for. You would have never known I was lopsided...I think. Ha!
My right hand has gotten considerably worse and I take pain pills a lot. I'm back to work fulltime and "mousing" all day on the computer is very trying by the end of the day. I've went to 2 doctors and am scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery December 22nd to take care of that. The Neuropathy triggered my carpal to worsen so hopefully this surgery will relieve the pain.
December 27th is the final PET scan "for now" to see if everything is gone...fingers crossed. I'm not worried or nervous's strange. "It is what it is" and I know that I have done everything I was supposed to do so at this point I'm at peace with it.
Hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas and stay safe!!!!! :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 4th....

Happy Monday!!
Had my radiation consultation, my cat scan, radiation tattoo's put on and my port taken out. Today I start radiation and am so stinkin excited to get it going!! Back to work fulltime and today has gone well. Bring on 3:30 so I can dart out to the radiation center!!! :)

Hope everyone is doing well. sorry this is short and sweet, but I'm doing it at work and not much downtime!

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th...

Good Morning! Slow moving for all of us I'm sure beings it's Monday and the weather is so crisp and cool...could just cuddle all day!
Had a great weekend watching a lot of football. Went to the West/East game Friday night and met up with the Gerst's. What a fantastic game...congrats West!
Saturday bummed around with Momma and then vegged for the night.
Sunday I went through some things in my dormer to get it prepared for the big clean up day. I tell you what...I will never recommend EIC to anyone. What a poor representation of a "reputable" company. So I thought they were anyway. Live and learn. Needless to say, my dormer is a mess from their roofing job and we will have to get up there and do some MAJOR cleaning and throwing away of insulation and carpet. Went to Sam's football game in the afternoon and they won 30 to 0! Great job boys!!!!
Today is my consultation to set up radiation. I am SO excited for this appointment!!!!
To leave you on a funny note....I tried spiking my hair. HaHaHa....not happening yet!!! Rest little mousse

Talk soon...have a GREAT Monday!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23rd...

GOOD morning!
Been a VERY long time since I've updated...geez!
Been a happy and frustrating month all in 1.
First...I went back to work part time on the 14th. Yay!!! Will finish the month part time and then it it hard again in October. SO nice to have structure and routine again. Time off was wonderful during all my doctor visits and chemo sessions, but it also gets a tad boring trying to figure out how to fill some of the time.
I've been to several doctor visits this month. Doctor Singh stopped the Taxol chemo treatments after 8 treatments (original number was to be 12) due to the issues it was having on my hands. Being diabetic for 34 years and going through taxol is a tough combination because both are known to cause numbness and pain called Neuropathy in the hands and feet. I am fortunate to have no issues in the feet, but suffer a lot with my hands. He was concerned and sent me to see Dr. Bekavac and Dr. Palma to have this issue checked out. Bekavac says carpal tunnel and Palma says Neuropathy. Mom stated that chemo attacks the weakest areas of your body and it's more than likely a sign of both. Dr. Singh believes it is Neuropathy for sure.'s how it went. Dr. Singh "No more treatment and I would like you to see 2 doctors to look into the issue." 2 weeks later...Dr. Singh "I reviewed your chart and beings you had cancer in 4 lymph nods...we have to continue some sort of treatment at least a couple more times." This would either be Taxol T or Adriamycin beings Taxol without the T seemed to be the culprit. He stated that he would consult with his specialists to see which option would be best. "Are you not the specialist?" Hhhmmmmm.
1 week later after seeing the 2 new doctors dr Singh says "I studied your file and didn't realize you had 8 treatments so we will stop treatments all together." Now in my mind I'm thinking "should you not study the files of your patients every time you see them?" This isn't a common cold we're dealing with. Happy, but alittle frustrated that I feel he has been shooting from the hip lately. Do not get me wrong, he has been wonderful through this...all of his staff, but I just got somewhat concerned at that point.
Needless to say, I will have no more treatments and will now start radiation for 6 weeks everyday. I have a consultation appointment at the radiation center on Monday. Woo hoo!!!! SO excited to get that started and be done.
Being back to work has been GREAT! After 4 hours my hands are extremely sore, but I wear a brace and have oral medicine to help with the pain and numbness. Hopefully time will help it slowly subside. to work I go!!!!!! Have a FANTASTIC day!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Haven't been on in forever! Been really pooped and going downstairs to post seemed like a lot which sounds silly I know. Like the nurse said to me that she hears from other patients "it's a tired you can't explain" and it really is.
The benefit....
It went SO well! There were SO many people...made my heart swell!
Had (at last count) 122 different auction groupings whether it be a basket of items or individual items. The out pour of support was AMAZING! Thank-you to EVERYONE who helped and donated!!!

Decorations were SO stinkin cute! Little paper bra's in sticks coming out of vases with colorful flowers! Little bra's everywhere and "Chemo Sucks" tree's with suckers on them! You gals did a fantastic job! Thanks to Missy, Traci and Aubrey!! :)

A farmer in the community donated a hog and a local meat locker butchered and cooked it as a donation. Randy Randall took a kick from the pig after it was dead! Crazy mad swelling and bruising! Thanks for taking 1 for the team buddy!
Tons of side dishes and desserts were brought in by donators and family and friends. Thanks to all of you who served food, ran up and down those stairs for more and who brought for the occasion!

A group of about 15 young kids had a couple of tables titled "Cookies For Chemo" and had been baking and decorating for a couple weeks. There were a TON of ribbon frosted sugar cookies etc! You kids ROCK!!

There was a table of "LuuLuu" items including t-shirts, koozies, pins, window sticky's, pens, bags, bracelets, key chains etc. Everything had LuuLuu printed on it. Thanks Bill, Nancy, Ashley and Sue!!!! Thanks to mom and Kevin also for helping out during the printing of the T's! :)

We had over a hundred door prizes which the girls gave away. The band "Fushion" played for free which was a lot of fun. Thanks Misha, Sommer, Mikey D and the band!!!! :)

All in all outside of the amount being raised which was wonderful (over $12,000) was so much fun seeing everyone! Family, friends, Ol' classmates, coworkers and even Grainger coworkers from Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois.

Thank-you again to all for being so fantastic and reaching out to help the benefit be a success!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30th at 9:33...

I am so wired...benefit tomorrow! Have I said it's like Christmas in July for me lately?! I am so BLESSED, loved and supported by SO many people that I just can't thank-you enough! I could babble, blabble, blabble, but I have to simmer down and relax so that I can sleep well and be my spunky self tomorrow!!! :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22nd....

So much! So much! So much!
I'll start by updating me and then end it with a BANG! LOL
Chemo has been going well...treatment day tomorrow. You know...people always say "TGIF" and although I'm not a fan of treatment....TGIF!!! It's 1 treatment closer to being done and that is enough to celebrate!
I recently noticed that I have hair growing above my top lip! Now as I posted on FB "I know how annoying it is for the most part, but when you have lost all hair due to's like Christmas in July!!!!
Tonight we finished up the "Cookies for Chemo" which the kids will be selling at the benefit. Nathan Randall and Katie Wolf wanted to do something to help raise money for my expenses and decided selling cookies would be it. Bless their hearts...they are AMAZING kids and above their ages! Several other young volunteers helped last Thursday and Shelly and Christine baked all night Monday are angels to me and I thank-you from the bottom of my sugar filled heart! (Gotta love when the broken cookies are a free for all!)
We will finish up donation baskets next week, final benefit meeting Tuesday night at Becks, breast cance ribbon pedicures wednesday night, get into Isaac Walton Friday and BENEFIT SATURDAY!! I am SO excited!!! :)
Have a great Friday (TGIF) and a wonderful weekend!!!!