Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 15th...

Apparently my fingers have been broke or I've had little to say. RIGHT! Boy...I neglected this for awhile and need to catch up!
Chemo was cut 4 treatments short due to Taxol causing Neuropathy in my hands. Doctor said that the percentage of 4 more treatments doing any more good were outweighed by the potential damage it would cause further in my hands. In fact "permament" (if not already) would be an issue. I was of course estatic that I was done and moving on to radiation!
Radiation was a breeze for the most part. The Cat scan done prior to the initial radiation treatment showed the area by my collarbone that was a concern from the PET scan in the very beginning of my journey before chemo even started. The radiation doctor could not tell if it was "hot" or "cold", but decided to hit that area hard for the 35 treatments. Got some radiation burns, but was tolerable. I LOVED going in everyday and seeing the radiation techs...they are a wonderful group of women!!! Was very sad when the treatments were over. Happy of course to, but sad that I would not see them everyday...they became family to me.
My hair is growing in wonderfully and I'm having fun with the short style. Who'd have known beings I have had long hair most of my life. Funny how things don't matter as much as you thought they would in the beginning. Just like being without a boob....eeehhh, who cares! I finally went in and got fitted for the bra's with special pockets in them to hold the prosthetic breast....awesome! I feel almost normal now! The funny thing is that the 1 I had been wearing with my normal bra's that was given to me as a joke was 2 sizes smaller than what I was fitted for. You would have never known I was lopsided...I think. Ha!
My right hand has gotten considerably worse and I take pain pills a lot. I'm back to work fulltime and "mousing" all day on the computer is very trying by the end of the day. I've went to 2 doctors and am scheduled for carpal tunnel surgery December 22nd to take care of that. The Neuropathy triggered my carpal to worsen so hopefully this surgery will relieve the pain.
December 27th is the final PET scan "for now" to see if everything is gone...fingers crossed. I'm not worried or nervous's strange. "It is what it is" and I know that I have done everything I was supposed to do so at this point I'm at peace with it.
Hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas and stay safe!!!!! :)